Ubie Checkup for Asthma

Ubie Checkup
for Asthma

Your Words, Now in Doctor's Terms!

A Translator between
You And Your Doctor

Track your
asthma health
updates and

All the questions were designed specifically for asthma, to capture the info that matters to your doctor.

All the questions were designed specifically for asthma, to capture the info that matters to your doctor.

Set a reminder
to track your

Stay on top of tracking symptoms with reminders to record updates and generate weekly reports for your doctor.

Stay on top of tracking symptoms with reminders to record updates and generate weekly reports for your doctor.

Send reports to
your doctor
before the

Choose to either download the report as as image or share it directly with your doctor before your next appointment.

Choose to either download the report as as image or share it directly with your doctor before your next appointment.

Doctors and Patients

Miscommunication between Doctors and Patients

58% of
American Patients

feel it is difficult to explain their
symptoms to the doctor[1]

61% of
American Doctors

feel the time they spend with each
patient is not long enough[2]

[1]Murugesu, L., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J., & Fransen, M. P. (2022). Challenges and solutions in communication with patients with low health literacy: Perspectives of healthcare providers. PLoS One, 17(5), e0267782. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267782. PMID: 35507632. PMCID: PMC9067671.

[2]The Physicians Foundation. (2022, March 22). The Physicians Foundation 2022 Physician Survey: Part 1. Retrieved from https://physiciansfoundation.org/ research-insights/the-physicians-foundation-2022-physician-survey-part-1/

Received Well by
Asthma Community

This service helps me better navigate the doctor's questions. Sometimes, I would forget how I felt 3-5 days ago, but now my doctor knows before I go to his office!

30s, Male

I used to keep a paper journal of how many times I had symptoms related to Asthma. Ubie made it much easier to track and share with the doctor!

30s, Female

Effortlessly Turn Your
Words Into

Medical translation made simple and effortless!