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Your Health Questions
Answered by Professionals

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Common Questions


If I Get the Flu, When Can I Return to Work or School?

You should stay home from the flu until you have no fevers for 24 hours while not taking anti-fever medication and you're feeling better to go back to work or school.


How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost?

The cost of cataract surgery is going to vary significantly based on your insurance, your doctor, the exact type of surgery and where you live in the United States. Very roughly, the cost can range anywhere from $3000-$6000 per eye.


What Are Clubbed Fingers and Clubbed Nails?

Clubbed fingers/clubbed nails describe a condition where the fingernails become curved from the front to the back. In essence, they start to look like "clubs".


What Kind of Medications Are Used to Treat Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (aka: BPH)?

The most common medications to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) work in two major ways: relax the smooth muscles so urine flows out more freely and shrink the size of the prostate that is blocking urine flow. Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers (alpha-blockers) and PDE5 inhibitors are the most common and help relax smooth muscle. 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors work by shrinking the size of the prostate.


What Is the Life Expectancy of Multiple Sclerosis?

While life expectancy has been increasing for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), recent evidence suggests life expectancy is lower (about 7 years) than the general population. However, there is considerable variation in disease progression on an individual basis.


What Are the Early Symptoms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)?

The majority of people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM) will not have symptoms. Symptoms that lead to finding HOCM are non-specific and include heart palpitations, fainting, dizzines, shortness of breath and fatigue.


How Is Crohn's Disease Diagnosed or Detected?

Crohn's disease is diagnosed by a combination of endoscopy (internal camera that looks at the stomach, intestines) and MRI or CT scans. Blood and stool samples will also be tested.


What Are Good Foods to Eat If You Have Anemia?

Consume foods rich in iron and vitamins such as beef, liver, fish, legumes (lentils, chickpeas) and dark leafy green vegetables.


What Is the Incubation Period of COVID-19?

Covid-19 Symptoms typically develop within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.


What Treatments Are Used for Anisakiasis? Are Procedures Like Endoscopy Used?

Anisakiasis is diagnosed and can be treated with endoscpoy to remove the parasite worms.


I Have Been Diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). What Kind of Follow-Up and Treatment Is Needed?

Management of other chronic diseases, a healthy diet along with regular moderate exercise and maintaining social connections are recommended. There are no particular medications specific to this condition.


What Medications Are Used to Treat ADHD?

Yes, there are several drugs to treat ADHD that are both stimulants and non-stimulants. Additionally, behavioral health therapy along with lifestyle modifications are also recommended.


Can You Die From Asthma?

Yes, asthma attacks can be fatal. Recognizing the signs of an asthma attack and initiating treatment quickly is critical.


How Is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of osteoporosis is done by a bone mineral density scan (DEXA scan). Other tests that may be done include x-rays, blood and urine testing to look for an underlying cause of the osteoporosis.


Is a Colonoscopy Painful?

Most people have little to no pain with a colonoscopy. Patients who have had colon surgery or women who have had a hysterectomy (removal of their uterus) are at higher risk of experiencing pain.


How Do You Manage Patients with Dementia Who Have Insomnia, Agitation or Aggression at Night?

For most patients with dementia, ensuring cues are in place for daytime vs. nighttime, avoiding napping during the day and reviewing medications with your health care provider are critical.


What Happens If Tenosynovitis Is Left Untreated?

Left untreated, tenosynovitis can lead to joint stiffness, chronic pain and loss of range of motion that may necessitate surgery to try and repair.


Are There Any Initial Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori Infection?

Most helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections result in no symptoms.


Can Stress Lead to or Worsen Narcolepsy?

Yes, stress can be a cause of or even worsen narcolepsy


Where Does Lung Cancer Tend to Metastasize?

Lung cancer often metastasizes to the brain, liver, bones, and adrenal glands.


What Are the Initial Symptoms of Gonorrhea Infection for Men and Women?

For men, symptoms may include discharge from the penis, burning with urination, and testicular pain. For women, symptoms may include vaginal discharge or bleeding as well as burning with urination. However, many men and women will have no symptoms with gonorrhea, which is why routine testing or testing after potential exposure is critical.


What Are Signs My Child May Have Heatstroke?

Signs of heatstroke in children include severe headache, confusion, nasuea/vomiting, rapid breathing as well as decreased sweating and urination.


How Do You Distinguish Anal Cancer From Hemorrhoids?

The difference between hemorrhoids and anal cancer are the appearance and hardness. Anal cancer will feel harder than hemorrhoids and may be buldging out of the anus more.


Is There a Way to Cure a Hoarse Voice in a Day?

There is no guaranteed remedy to cure hoarseness or loss of your voice in a day.


What Are the Classifications of Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is considered acute if it lasts up to 4 weeks. It is considered chronic if symptoms persist beyond 12 weeks.


What Medications Are Primarily Used to Treat Spinocerebellar Degeneration? Are There Any Side Effects?

While new treatments are being investigated in clinical trials, there is not yet a FDA-approved cure for spinocerebellar degeneration disease, also known as spinocerebellar ataxia. Rather, treatment is focused on symptom management with medications for things like muscle spasms and maintenance of mobilty with exercise, physical and occupational therapy.


What Specialists Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

If you are concerned you have obstructive sleep apnea, you should conduct your primary care provider first for evaluation. If it is sleep apnea, a sleep medicine specialist will evaluate with a sleep study.


What Are the Characteristic Blood Test Abnormalities You Would See with Hypophasphatasia (HPP)?

Patients with hypophasphatasia (HPP) will have blood tests that show abnormally low alkaline phosphatase (ALP), increased levels of ALP breakdown products like pyrophosphates and increased levels of calcium in the blood.


What Could Be Causing Recurrent Fevers in Adults at Night?

Recurring fevers at night in adults may be caused by many different things like cancers, infections and autoimmune diseases.


When Should I See a Doctor for an Upset Stomach?

Generally, you should see a doctor if you are: 1. Unable to keep any liquids down for more than a day at a time 2. Develop fevers and intensely worsening abdominal pain 3. Notice blood in your stools or vomit.


How Can Daily Habits Improve an Upset Stomach?

Eat in moderation, avoid heavy drinking and exercise moderately.


What Are the Possible Causes of an Upset Stomach?

Commonly, an upset stomach is caused by gas or bloating from benign causes like poor digestion of certain foods or additives.


What Are Heart Palpitations and What Do They Feel Like?

Heart palpitations are a sensation felt in your chest as though your heart was beating stronger or faster than usual.


When Are Heart Palpitations Serious Enough to See a Doctor?

If you experience chest discomfort, shortness of breath, a feeling like you might lose consciousness, or the palpitations seem to be getting worse, you should discuss with a health care provider.


What Are the Causes of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain may arise from an issue with the spine itself or may less commonly be a symptom of other underlying diseases.


Can a Herniated Disc Cause Low Back Pain?

Absolutely. The classic symptoms of a herniated disc include low back pain that extends down the buttocks and into the legs.


Is It Common to Get Low Back Pain Before or During My Period?

Yes. Prior studies suggest up to 4050% of women experience low back pain (LBP) during a period.


When Should I Go to the Emergency Room for Back Pain?

Consider going to the emergency room (ER) for back pain if it is extremely intense, accompanied by difficultly walking or standing, or a loss of bowel or bladder control.


When Should I Go to See a Doctor about My Back Pain?

If you have persistent worsening back pain you should see your healthcare provider particularly if accompanied by difficultly walking or standing, or a loss of bowel or bladder control.


Can Exercise Improve Back Pain?

Most definitely. There are few back conditions that do NOT benefit back pain.


What Are the Recommended Diet for Kidney Stones ? Are There Things to Avoid?

General diet recommendations for kidney stones include drinking plenty of water, eating foods with enough calcium and avoiding certain foods.


When Should I Start Worrying about Constipation?

If you haven't had a bowel movement for more than 57 days and also have pain, nausea or even vomiting, please seek further medical attention.


What Are Signs and Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure?

Symptoms of congestive heart failure include shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, swelling in the stomach, swelling in the legs and overall decreased energy.


How Can I Get Sense of Taste and Smell Back After COVID Infection?

It seems that the large majority of people (>80%) will completely recover their sense of taste or smell in about one month after COVID infection.


What Foods Are Good for the Liver?

Foods that are good for your body are the same ones that are good for your liver. These include wholefoods that are high in fiber and unprocessed.


What Are the Possible Causes of Pain and Swelling on the Top Part of the Foot?

Fractures and stress fractures, bacterial infections such as cellulitis, and gout should be considered.


Can a Specific Disease Cause the Pain in the Soles of the Feet?

Diabetes and gout are common diseases that can lead to pain in the soles of the feet.


What Can Cause Numbness in Only Some Part of the Toes?

When only parts of the toes or between the toes feel numb, there may be some nerve compression.


What Are the Possible Causes of Neck Pain on Only One Side?

Tense neck muscles, whiplash, and a pinched nerve are possible considerations.


What Are the Possible Causes of Stomach Ache When Lying Down on Your Back Facing Up?

Stomach pain in the back when lying down facing up can be a result of stomach gas/bloating, positional discomfort or less commonly a disease of the pancreas and surrounding organs.


What Is the Cause of Calf Pain in Just One Leg?

Injuries from sports, nerve damage in the lower back, blood clots, varicose veins and skin diseases can cause calf pain in just one leg.


Why Do Some Bug Bites Become Hard or Swollen?

Bug bites may get swollen, red or hardened due to an allergic reaction or infection.


Why Do I Have the Pain Only on My Left Shoulder?

Pain in the shoulder is often due to issues in the joints of the shoulder or neck. Less commonly, left shoulder pain may be caused by diseases of internal organs such as the heart or gallbladder.


What Are the Possible Causes of Abdominal Pain?

Causes of abdominal pain run the gamut from benign to lifethreatening. It may be a pulled or strained abdominal wall muscle, damaged nerve, broken bone or issues with internal organs.


What Are the First Symptoms of the Covid?

Early symptoms of COVID infection often include fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue, and headache.


What Happens If You Take Too Much Acetaminophen (TylenolⓇ)?

The toxic range of acetaminophen (7,500 15,000mg) is much higher than the recommended one time dose range for an adult (1000mg). Most people do not have symptoms in the first 24 hours. If you are concerned you took too much acetaminophen, seek further medical evaluation.


Why Am I Spotting 1 Week After My Period ?

One week after your period ends is the time of ovulation or release of an egg. You may get some lighter bleeding due to hormonal shifts that happen after your period.


What Is a Normal Blood Pressure for People in Their 50s and 60s?

The "normal range" for blood pressure is defined as a systolic blood pressure below 120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure below 80 mmHg.


When Should I See a Doctor for Covid?

If you have COVID, you should seek medical attention when experiencing severe symptoms like trouble breathing, trouble maintaining consciousness, or concerns for dehydration. You should also seek medical attention for COVID if you fall into a group at high risk for severe COVID illness so you can discuss antiviral treatment.


What Are the Causes of Sore Throat Without Fever?

Sore throat, or pharyngitis, without a fever can be caused by a variety of things like infections, seasonal allergies and acid reflux.


What Causes Pain in the Arm Muscles? Any Remedies?

Muscle soreness in the arms is most often due to strenuous exertion, overuse or injuries. Effective treatments include rest, massage, icing, graded return to activity and the use of antiinflammatory medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.


Why Do I Have Pain Only in My Right Shoulder?

Pain in the shoulder is often due to issues in the joints of the shoulder or neck. Less commonly, right shoulder pain may be caused by diseases of internal organs such as the heart, lungs or gallbladder.


What Is the Recommended Dosage of Acetaminophen ?

While general dosing guidelines are on packaging, it is important to remember that dosing varies on weight, indication and other underlying diseases.


What Could Be the Causes of Diarrhea and Fever at the Same Time?

Infectious gastroenteritis caused by bacteria and viruses is a likely and common cause of those symptoms.


Is It Possible to Experience Chest Pain When I Have a Covid Infection?

Pain in the chest can occur from COVID infection for a variety of reasons like musculoskeletal pain associated with fever and cough, pneumonia or inflammation of the heart.


What Are the Causes of Numbness in Just One Leg?

Numbness in one leg can be caused by a variety of conditions ranging from benign (your leg falling asleep) to serious (stroke).


Are There Cases of Back Pain As a Sequela of COVID-19?

Muscle and spine pain in the back is now considered a lingering after effect of COVID19 infection.


What Are Possible Causes When I Have Both Fatigue and Fever but No Other Symptoms?

Infectious diseases, cancer, autoimmune or inflammatory diseases are the main disease categories to consider with those symptoms in isolation.


What Could Be the Causes of Pain in the Middle of the Back?

Pain in the middle of the back is mostly commonly due to a bone or muscle issue, but less commonly can be an issue with the stomach, pancreas, kidneys or aorta.


Does Acetaminophen (Tylenol (r)) Help With Sore Throat?

Absolutely, it is effective for sore throat pain caused by pharyngitis.


What Are Some Noticeable Behavior Changes in People With Depression and Anxiety?

Both depression and anxiety are characterized by changes in appetite, declines in energy and motivation, as well as changes in work performance.


What Are the Causes of Suicidal Thoughts?

Suicidal thoughts can be caused by a variety of mental health conditions like that includes grief, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders.


What Are The Possible Causes of Daytime Sleepiness in Women?

Daytime sleepiness in women can be caused by a variety of things like iron deficiency, diabetes, menopause, depression, pregnancy, sleep apnea syndrome or simply overexertion and stress.


Can COVID-19 Cause Your Voice to Be Hoarse?

Yes, a respiratory virus like COVID19 can cause inflammation in the throat that then leads to hoarseness.


What Foods Should I Avoid If I Have Gout?

You want to avoid foods high in purines because they get broken down into uric acid which can then lead to a gout flare as the uric acid crystals build up in your joints.


Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Have a Fever?

It is not uncommon for the lower back to hurt during a fever due to the body’s inflammatory response to infection and sometimes due to infection in the back itself.


Is It Okay to Take TylenolⓇ with a Fever of 99°F?

Fever alone is not necessarily harmful. However, taking a medication like TylenolⓇ (acetaminophen) is a good option if you aren’t feeling well due to the fever.


When I Feel the Pain in the Left Side of the Abdomen What Are Some Possible Causes?

A wide ranges of diseases can cause leftsided abdominal pain that often involve the underlying organs in that area.


What Conditions Can Make Me Feel Feverish and Sluggish But Not Have A Fever?

A whole variety of conditions can make you feel sluggish or even feverish without actually measuring a fever.


What Could Be the Possible Causes If You Are Experiencing Fever and Headache At The Same Time?

Headache and fever at the same time can be from a wide range of things: the benign (common cold) to the more serious (bacterial meningitis, brain tumor).


Is There a Way to Stop Hiccups on Your Own?

Methods such as holding one's breath or drinking cold water are considered effective. For persistent or refractory conditions, oral medication may be used for treatment as well as a search for other underlying causes of the hiccups.


When Should I Seek Further Medical Guidance for Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease?

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is generally a minor illness. However, consider seeking further guidance for those younger than 6 months of age, a weakened immune system, fever persisting beyond 5 days or inability to take fluids due to sore throat.


Do Medications Like Acetaminophen (Tylenol©) or Ibuprofen Work for a Sore Throat?

Both medications are good options for symptom relief from a sore throat.


What Kinds of Illness Can Cause Pain in the Right Side of Your Abdomen?

Diseases such as gallbladder and bile duct diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, urinary tract stones, pyelonephritis and musculoskeletal causes are all some potential causes.


What Could Be the Cause of Pain in the Right Side of the Back?

There are many causes of back pain that come from issues with the muscle, bone, overlying skin or nearby organs like the lung, kidney, or gallbladder.


How Many Days Does Fever Last After COVID-19 Infection?

Following COVID infection, it is common for a fever of 38℃/100.4°F or higher to last for anywhere from 210 days.


What Are the Causes of Foot Pain in the Soles Based on Its Location?

The cause of foot pain in the soles often times varies depending on the location of the pain.

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