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A lump in the neck
Abdominal pain
Abdominal trauma
Abnormal period
Abnormal skin
Abnormal vaginal discharge
Accidental alcohol intake
Achilles tendon pain
Affected area is swollen
Affected area is warm
Alcohol cravings
Almost passing out
Alteration in mental status
Always nervous
Anal itch
Anal pain
Ankle pain
Arm cramps
Arm is swollen
Arm numbness
Arm pain
Arm paralysis
Armpit pain
Back pain
Bad breath
Black or tarry stool
Bladder pain
Blank out or stare into space for a few seconds
Bleeding after sexual intercourse
Bleeding between periods
Bleeding from gums
Bleeding from the nose
Bleeding gums when brushing
Blind at night
Blind spots in vision
Bloated stomach
Blood in breast milk
Blood in mucus from nose
Blood in stool
Blood in the semen
Blood in urine
Blood pressure less than 80mmhg or "unrecordable" by machine
Blood vessels broken in eyes
Bloodshot eyes
Blue bump on skin
Blurred vision
Bow legs
Brain fog
Breast lump
Breast milk outside pregnancy or in a man
Breast pain
Breast tenderness
Breasts appear different
Breasts feel full
Bruise easily
Bruises on body but not the forehead
Bulging eyes
Bump on lip
Bump under fingernail
Bumps on back
Bumps or swellings around the vulva
Buttock pain
Calf cramp (Charley Horse)
Calf pain
Can't bend the knee
Can't focus
Can't wake up in the morning
Change in nail colour
Change in personality
Change in stool color
Change in stool consistency
Change in stool smell
Change in tooth color
Chest lump
Chest pain
Child is speaking less
Choking when eating
Clay-colored stool
Clogged ears
Cloudy urine
Cold sweats
Constant hiccups
Constantly in fear of the next panic attack
Cracked corners of the mouth
Crackling in joints
Craving or eating non food items
Cross eyed
Currently on antidepressants
Dark spots on skin
Dark yellow urine
Decreased fetal movements
Decreased responsiveness
Deeper voice
Deformed nails
Developmental delays
Difficult to stand and walk after sitting
Difficult to swallow
Difficult to turn over in bed
Difficulty buttoning shirt
Difficulty opening mouth
Difficulty speaking
Difficulty speaking due to pain
Difficulty urinating
Difficulty walking
Difficulty writing
Discolored tooth
Disconnected from reality
Disorders of eye movement
Distorted vision
Don't feel like doing anything
Double vision
Draining from the ear
Drooling from one side of the mouth
Drooping eyelids
Drug abuse affecting social life and finances
Drug abuse with loss of restraint
Drug withdrawal symptoms
Dry eye
Dry mouth
Dry skin
Ear itch
Ear pain
Early puberty
Early satiety
Easily irritable
Elated mood
Elbow pain
Epsiodes of labor-like pain
Excess abdominal fluid
Excessive burping
Excessive discharge
Excessive gas
Excessive spending
Expressionless face
Eye booger
Eye floaters
Eye injuries
Eye pain
Eye redness
Eye twitching
Eyes are itching
Face flushed
Face is twitching
Face or mouth numbness
Facial pain
Facial paralysis
Facial tingling
Fall from a height
Fast beating heart
Fear of germs
Fear of needles
Fecal incontinence
Feel uncomfortable without alcohol
Feeling hopeless
Feeling more sensitive or irritable
Feeling uneasy and restless
Feelings of guilt
Feelings of guilt
Feelings of jealousy
Feelings of sadness for no reason
Feels like something is stuck in my throat
Fine crackling when touching ths skin
Fine tremors in hands
Finger joint pain
Finger numbness
Fingers turn blue
Flashbacks or blackouts due to drug use
Flight of ideas
Foamy urine
Foreign body in the ear
Foreign body in the eye
Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
Freezing of gait
Frequent falls
Frequent urination
Frequent urination at night
Gray hair
Green nails
Green stool
Groin area redness
Groin pain
Groin swelling when standing up
Groin tenderness
Ground glass nails
Growing mole
Guilty about drug abuse
Gum problems
Hair loss
Hand cramps
Hand or finger pain
Hand stiffness
Hands and feet are cold
Hands and feet became larger
Hard skin
Hard to control drinking alcohol
Hard to cut down drug use
Hard to focus my vision
Head injury
Hearing loss
Hearing things
Heart palpitation
Heel pain
High blood pressure
Hip pain
Hot feet and hands
Hot swollen red joints
Hurts to open mouth wide
Hurts to swallow
Hypomania or mania preceding a depressive episode
I can't control my drinking
I can't keep calm
I can't smell
I couldn't understand what others were saying
I don't care about anything
I don't need sleep
Incomplete bowel emptying
Increased libido
Increasing contractions in pregnancy
Insect or animal bites, scratches or stings
Intermittent urine flow
Involuntary eye movement
Involuntary movements of the legs
Involuntary muscle jerks
Irregular heartbeat
Irregular periods
Itching inside mouth
Itchy penis
Itchy scrotum
Itchy skin
Itchy urethra
Itchy vulva
Jaw claudication
Jaw is swollen
Jaw pain
Jaw popping
Joint bleeding
Joint pain
Joint stiffness
Joint that does not move
Knee pain
Lack confidence
Lack of motivation
Language disorder
Late or incomplete puberty
Leathery neck
Left sided body pain
Leg or foot numbness
Less urine with pain
Light sensitivity
Lighter patches of skin
Limb pain
Limb spasms
Limb weakness
Lip pain or itch
Lip sores
Losing my train of thought
Loss of appetite
Lost interest in people
Lot of sweating at night
Low blood pressure
Low body temperature (below 36°C or 96.8°F)
Low libido
Low red blood cell count
Low saliva production
Low urine output
Lower back pain
Lower energy levels
Lump in stomach
Lump in the groin
Lump in the neck
Lump on the penis
Lumps under the skin
Macerated skin
Male pattern body hair or deepening of voice
Man breast
Memory loss
Messy hair
Milky-white urine
Mixed manic and depressive features
Mole with hair
Moles on the skin and lining of the mouth
Mood changes quickly
Mood swinging
More restless than usual affecting speech and actions
Morning stiffness in joints
Mouth sensitivity
Mouth ulcer
Mouthing objects
Multiple major life events
Muscle pain
Muscle rigidity
Muscle tenderness in limbs
Nail pain
Nail separating from nail bed
Narrow or thinning stool
Nasal foreign body
Nasal voice
Nausea or vomiting
Neck pain in the front
Neck pain or stiffness
Neck swelling
Nipple points inward or lie flat
Nipple rash, redness, discharge, pain or itch
No deep sleep
Nose pain
Not sweating as much
Number phobia
Numbness of chest, tummy or back
Numbness or abnormal sensation
Obsessive and compulsive behaviors
Obsessive and compulsive thoughts
One eye watering
Out-of-body experience
Pain at the start of urination
Pain between scrotum and anus
Pain from belly button to groin
Pain in back of hand
Pain in corner of mouth
Pain in the penis
Pain in the perineum
Pain in the right half of the body
Pain in the shoulder
Pain in top of foot
Pain inside
Pain on side of ankle
Pain over the soles of feet
Pain when I tap on my backbone with a closed fist
Painful intercourse
Painful red-purple bumps on fingers
Painful urination
Painful wrist
Pale skin
Palm hurts
Pee smells funny
Penile swelling
Perineum lump
Period cramps
Pimple in mouth
Pins and needles all over my body
Poor vision
Post-nasal drip
Premenstrual symptoms
Problems associated with drug abuse
Psychological stress
Pubic pain
Pulsating mass in stomach
Pupils different sizes
Purple rash
Pus from the anus
Pus in urethra
Racing thoughts
Raynaud's phenomenon
Recent weight loss
Rectal bleeding
Red dots in the mouth
Red gums
Red lines in nails
Red lines under the nails
Red lips
Red or purple spots on the skin
Red or yellow skin lumps
Red skin
Red sore itchy eyes
Red throat
Redness in the affected area
Redness or swelling of the urethra
Repetitive behavior
Repetitive movements
Restless leg syndrome
Rough, hard skin
Runny nose
Scaling skin
Scalp hair became thin and soft
Scars or marks from rash/wound
Seeing flashes of light
Self-harm / wrist-cutting
Sensation of water-breaking
Sensitive nipples
Sensitive teeth
Sensitive to sound
Shin splints
Short in stature
Short temper
Shortness of breath
Shoulder stiffness
Skin depressions or holes
Skin is broken from scratching
Skin ulcer
Sleep apnea
Sleep during day awake at night
Sleepy all day
Slow heart rate
Slow movements
Slow speech
Slurred speech
Small stone came out when passing urine
Small testes
Social anxiety and blushing
Something stuck in throat
Sore mouth
Sore on genitals
Sore throat
Sore tongue
Stomach discomfort
Stomach growling
Strange behaviour
Strange speech or behaviour
Stuck on a topic, repeating things
Stuffy nose
Sunken eyes
Swallowed a foreign body
Swelling of parotid / salivary glands
Swelling on any part of the body
Swelling under the right lower ribs
Swelling under the right ribs
Swollen blood vessels on the belly
Swollen eye
Swollen lymph nodes
Swollen testicles
Swollen toe
Swollen vein in neck
Symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol
Taste disorder
Tend to do socially unacceptable things
Testicular pain
Thick and rough skin
Thick white discharge
Thigh pain
Thin skin that bruises easily
Throat swelling
Throwing up blood
Tired and unmotivated
Tired eyes
Toe numbness or tingling
Toe pain
Tongue tied
Too painful to chew
Too painful to lie on back
Trance like seizure
Trembling of fingers or whole body
Uncontrollable movements
Unintentional weight gain
Unintentional weight loss
Unusual behavior or actions when sleeping
Upper left side of stomach swollen
Urgent urination
Urinary retention
Urine incontinence
Uterus falling out
Vaginal pain
Varicose veins
Verbal or physical outbursts for minor things
Visibly enlarged blood vessels on the scrotum
Warm joints
Weak urine stream
Wedge-shaped tooth defect
White spots on the mouth surface or tongue
White spots on the tonsils
White, cloudy and thickened nails
White, pellet-like stools
Whitish, curd-like substances in the tongue/mouth
Whole body pain
Worried about body odor

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