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Published on: 3/5/2025

Why Is There Blood in Mucus From Nose?

Blood in mucus from the nose is usually from a small nosebleed, which can happen if the inside of your nose becomes dry or irritated.

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There are several reasons why you might see blood in the mucus from your nose. The lining of the nose is very delicate and can bleed if it gets dry, irritated, or injured. Nosebleeds can happen because of dry air (especially in winter or in very dry climates), picking the nose, or blowing it too hard when you have a cold. Sometimes, an infection or allergies can make the inside of your nose inflamed and prone to bleeding. In other cases, high blood pressure or a minor injury might cause a small bleed. According to clinical guidelines, most nosebleeds are not serious and will stop on their own with simple steps like pinching the nose or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air. However, if the bleeding continues, gets heavy, or you experience other symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to rule out more serious causes. Keeping the nasal passages moist with a saline spray or humidifier is one simple way to help prevent blood in nasal mucus.


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  • Tabassom A, Dahlstrom JJ. Epistaxis. [Updated 2022 Sep 12]. In: StatPearls

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