Published on: 3/17/2025
Yes, there is a condition called erythromelalgia where your hands and feet may feel very hot, often along with redness and pain.
One condition linked to hot hands and feet is erythromelalgia. This condition causes the skin on your hands and feet to become red, hot, and sometimes painful. It happens when the small blood vessels in your skin open up too much, a process known as vasodilation, which increases blood flow in these areas. Research has found that erythromelalgia can sometimes be related to nerve issues like small fiber neuropathy. In other words, the nerves that control temperature and blood flow might be sending signals that make your hands and feet feel unusually warm. Although erythromelalgia is one of the more common conditions associated with these symptoms, there is another condition called hand-foot syndrome, where the skin of your hands and feet becomes red and hot as well. If you notice these symptoms regularly and they cause discomfort or pain, it’s a good idea to discuss them with a healthcare provider. They can evaluate your symptoms and help determine if a condition like erythromelalgia is the cause and what treatment options might suit your situation.
Patel P, Zhang Y, Unikel LH, Edwards C. A case of sporadic erythromelalgia presenting with small fibre neuropathy. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Oct 9;12(10):e230549. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-230549. PMID: 31601551; PMCID: PMC6803085.
Friberg D, Chen T, Tarr G, van Rij A. Erythromelalgia? A clinical study of people who experience red, hot, painful feet in the community. Int J Vasc Med. 2013;2013:864961. doi: 10.1155/2013/864961. Epub 2013 May 15. PMID: 23762561; PMCID: PMC3671268.
Braghiroli CS, Ieiri R, Ocanha JP, Paschoalini RB, Miot HA. Do you know this syndrome? Hand-foot syndrome. An Bras Dermatol. 2017 Jan-Feb;92(1):131-133. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20174602. PMID: 28225974; PMCID: PMC5312196.
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