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Published on: 3/17/2025

What Might Be the Reason for Having Hot Palms and Soles?

Hot palms and soles can be due to conditions that change blood flow and nerve signals in your hands and feet, such as palmar hyperhidrosis or hand-foot syndrome.

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When you notice your palms and soles feeling hot, it may be caused by changes in how your body controls temperature and sweating. For example, in conditions like palmar hyperhidrosis, the nerves send strong signals to your sweat glands, which can make your hands and feet warmer and sometimes even trigger extra sweating. There is also something called hand-foot syndrome, where your skin on the palms and soles becomes red, hot, and sometimes painful. This syndrome may be seen in certain reactions, such as those related to medications or other underlying conditions. Research has found that altering nerve signals near your spine can change how your hands and feet feel, suggesting that the nervous system plays an important role in controlling the temperature of these areas. If you are experiencing persistent discomfort, it is a good idea to talk with a healthcare provider, as they can help determine if these conditions are the cause and if any treatments may help keep your hands and soles feeling more comfortable.


  • Jeong SM, Kim TY, Jeong YB, et al. The changes of skin temperature on hands and feet during and after T3 sympathicotomy for palmar hyperhidrosis. _J Korean Med Sci_. 2006;21(5):917–921. doi:10.3346/jkms.2006.21.5.917. PMCID: PMC2722005. PMID: 17043429.

  • Braghiroli CS, Ieiri R, Ocanha JP, Paschoalini RB, Miot HA. Do you know this syndrome? Hand-foot syndrome. _An Bras Dermatol_. 2017;92(1):131–133. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20174602. PMCID: PMC5312196. PMID: 28225974.

  • Evans RJ, Watson CPN. The hot foot syndrome: Evans’ sign and the old way. _Pain Res Manag_. 2012;17(1):31–34. doi:10.1155/2012/658730. PMCID: PMC3299035. PMID: 22518365.

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