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Published on: 3/5/2025

Is There Any Relation Between One Eye Watering and Sinus Pressure?

Yes, sinus pressure can sometimes affect one eye, causing it to water when nearby sinuses put pressure on the tear drainage areas.

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The sinuses are little air pockets in your face, and they are very close to your eyes. When you experience sinus pressure—often from a cold or sinus infection—the tissues around your eyes can become swollen or inflamed. This pressure or swelling can make it harder for tears to drain properly from one eye. As a result, the affected eye might start to water more than usual because the tears can’t flow out the normal tear ducts. Some studies have shown that the positions of the sinuses and the optic nerve are close together, so problems in the sinuses can have an impact on nearby structures, including the tear drainage system. If you are feeling a lot of sinus pressure along with a watery eye, it could be connected. However, since watery eyes can also have other causes like allergies or local irritation, it is important to get checked by a healthcare professional to find out the exact reason. A doctor can help decide whether the sinus pressure is affecting your eye and recommend the right treatment.


  • Bansberg SF, Harner SG, Forbes G. Relationship of the optic nerve to the paranasal sinuses as shown by computed tomography. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1987 Apr;96(4):331-5. doi: 10.1177/019459988709600405. PMID: 3108820.

  • Kim YH, Kim J, Kang MG, Lee DH, Chin HS, Jang TY, Kim NR. Optic nerve changes in chronic sinusitis patients: Correlation with disease severity and relevant sinus location. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 10;13(7):e0199875. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199875. PMID: 29990384; PMCID: PMC6038994.

  • Lopez Montes T, Gurnani B, Stokkermans TJ. Assessment of the Watery Eye. [Updated 2024 Feb 26]. In: StatPearls [Internet].

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