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Published on: 3/17/2025

What Could Be the Sudden Cause of My Palms and Feet Becoming Sweaty?

Sudden sweaty palms and feet can be caused by an overactive sweat gland response, a condition known as primary hyperhidrosis, which can be triggered by stress or emotional factors.

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When you suddenly notice your palms and feet becoming sweaty, the most common reason could be primary hyperhidrosis. This is a condition where the sweat glands in these areas become overactive, leading to sudden, noticeable sweating. It often happens without a fever or any serious illness. Your body can easily react to feelings like stress or nervousness by sending signals that wake up these sweat glands. Even small changes in your emotional state or environment, such as a warm day or a stressful moment, can trigger this response. In primary hyperhidrosis, it’s not about an infection or fever but rather an issue with the way your body controls sweating If this sudden sweating becomes uncomfortable or starts to affect your daily activities, it might be helpful to speak with a healthcare provider about ways to manage or treat the condition. They might suggest treatments like specialized antiperspirants or other effective therapies to help control excessive sweating.


  • Turchin I, Barankin B. Dermacase. Essential or primary hyperhidrosis. Can Fam Physician. 2005 Apr;51(4):503, 505-6. PMID: 15856967; PMCID: PMC1472949.

  • Wadhawa S, Agrawal S, Chaudhary M, Sharma S. Hyperhidrosis Prevalence: A Disease Underreported by Patients and Underdiagnosed by Physicians. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019 Nov 1;10(6):676-681. doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_55_19. PMID: 31807447; PMCID: PMC6859754.

  • Romero FR, Haddad GR, Miot HA, Cataneo DC. Palmar hyperhidrosis: clinical, pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. An Bras Dermatol. 2016 Nov-Dec;91(6):716-725. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20165358. PMID: 28099590; PMCID: PMC5193180.

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