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Published on: 3/5/2025

What Could Cause Periodic Abdominal Pain on the Right Side?

Periodic right-side abdominal pain can be due to a number of issues. The location of the pain and associated symptoms may be helpful in identifying the cause.

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When you experience pain on the right side of your abdomen on and off, there are several things to consider. Pain in the upper abdomen could be related to gallbladder problems, especially if it occurs after eating fatty foods. Less commonly, kidney stones or inflammation of the liver could trigger periodic discomfort in this area. Moving to the middle and lower right abdomen, inflammatory bowel conditions like Crohn's disease can cause recurring pain, particularly after meals or during times of stress. Some people might also experience pain due to issues with their colon, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause periodic cramping and discomfort. Appendicitis may initially present as intermittent lower abdominal pain on the right side before the pain becomes more constant. Additionally, gastrointestinal conditions like celiac disease or food intolerances can trigger periodic abdominal pain, particularly after consuming certain foods. The pain might be accompanied by bloating, changes in appetite, or digestive issues. These symptoms may come and go depending on diet and other factors. In women, conditions affecting the reproductive system like ovarian cysts or endometriosis can also manifest as periodic pain on the right side. These conditions might flare up during certain times of the menstrual cycle or with specific activities. Muscle strain or tears in the abdominal wall can also lead to periodic pain, especially if you've recently engaged in strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting. The pain might worsen with movement or certain positions and improve with rest. This type of discomfort often varies in intensity throughout the day and may be aggravated by specific activities. Hernias can similarly be associated with pain during certain physical activities. If symptoms are persistent or severe, you should consult a healthcare provider.


  • Lin PH, Koffron AJ, Heilizer TJ, Lujan HJ. Right lower quadrant abdominal pain due to appendicitis and an incarcerated spigelian hernia. Am Surg. 2000 Aug;66(8):725-7. PMID: 10966026.

  • Jones J, Wong N, Drummond KJ, Kaye AH. An unusual cause for chronic right-sided abdominal pain: question. J Clin Neurosci. 2014 Dec;21(12):2226, 2259. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2014.04.012. PMID: 25580507.

  • Yew KS, George MK, Allred HB. Acute Abdominal Pain in Adults: Evaluation and Diagnosis. Am Fam Physician. 2023 Jun;107(6):585-596. PMID: 37327158.

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