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Published on: 3/5/2025

What Are Some Common Factors That Can Delay Periods?

Periods can be delayed for many reasons, including pregnancy, stress, weight changes, and changes in hormone levels.

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There are several common factors that can make your period come later than usual. If it does not come after 2 weeks due and you are sexually active, it is important you consider a pregnancy test. One of these is stress; when you feel worried or upset for a long time, your body’s hormones might change, which can delay your period. Changes in weight can also affect your cycle. If you lose a lot of weight or sometimes gain weight, your body might not make enough of the hormones needed for a regular period. Exercise is another factor; if you suddenly start exercising very hard, it can change your cycle too. Some medicines or the use of hormonal birth control might also change the timing of your period. As you get older, your cycle can naturally change as your body prepares for menopause, which might also cause delays. Sometimes, even things like not getting enough sleep or sudden changes in your daily routine can have an effect. If your period is delayed and it worries you, keeping track of your cycle and talking with a healthcare provider can help you understand what is happening with your body and if you need any extra help.


  • Bae J, Park S, Kwon JW. Factors associated with menstrual cycle irregularity and menopause. BMC Womens Health. 2018 Feb 6;18(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s12905-018-0528-x. PMID: 29409520; PMCID: PMC5801702.

  • Attia GM, Alharbi OA, Aljohani RM. The Impact of Irregular Menstruation on Health: A Review of the Literature. Cureus. 2023 Nov 20;15(11):e49146. doi: 10.7759/cureus.49146. PMID: 38130524; PMCID: PMC10733621.

  • Buck E, McNally L, Vadakekut ES, et al. Menstrual Suppression. [Updated 2024 Jun 7]. In: StatPearls [Internet].

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