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Published on: 3/17/2025

How Can You Differentiate Kidney Pain From Other Types of Abdominal Pain?

Kidney pain is usually felt in your side or back, near or just below your ribs, and often comes in sharp bursts, unlike other types of belly pain.

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You can tell kidney pain apart from other abdominal pain by the quality and location of the pain. Kidney pain is often felt on one or both sides, in the area called the flank (the part of your back just below your ribs). This pain can be sharp and intermittent, especially if you have a kidney stone. You might also feel it travel down into your lower abdomen or groin. In contrast, other abdominal pain may be located in the front of your belly and can feel achey or crampy (though it may also be sharp). Sometimes, pain related to the kidneys comes with other clues, like pain when you pee or even blood in your urine. Blood tests, urine tests, and imaging studies (such as ultrasound or CAT scan) can help identify causes of pain related to the kidney versus other parts of the abdomen.


  • Cox C, MacDonald S, Henneberry R, Atkinson PR. My patient has abdominal and flank pain: Identifying renal causes. Ultrasound. 2015 Nov;23(4):242-50. doi: 10.1177/1742271X15601617. Epub 2015 Aug 17. PMID: 27433264; PMCID: PMC4760602.

  • Patti L, Leslie SW. Acute Renal Colic. [Updated 2024 Dec 23]. In: StatPearls [Internet].

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