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Published on: 3/5/2025

What Does a Red Bump on Your Lip Mean?

A red bump on your lip can be from several causes like irritation, injury, or a viral infection. It’s important to watch it for changes and talk to a doctor if it doesn’t go away or gets worse.

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A red bump on your lip is typically indicative of an area of swelling and irritation. This can happen for many reasons. Sometimes, trauma to the area can cause pain and swelling. Other times, a virus like the one that causes cold sores may lead to a red, blister-like bump along your lip. Allergies or irritants, such as harsh weather or cosmetic products, can also make the skin red and bumpy. In some cases, the redness may be part of a condition called cheilitis, which is an inflammation of the lips. Cheilitis can arise from dryness, irritation, or other underlying issues. A number of other issues can also cause a bump on the lips. It is important to keep an eye on any bumps. If they start to hurt more, grow larger, or last for a long time, it might be a good idea to see a doctor for a more complete evaluation.


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