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Published on: 3/17/2025

What Are the Treatment Options for a Lump on the Perineum?

A lump on the perineum can be caused by infections, abnormal tissue growths, or congenital issues. Treatment can range from medications and minor procedures to surgical removal, depending on the cause.

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A perineal lump (a small bump in the area between the anus and the genitals) may have several causes. For example, it could be an abscess that forms due to a bacterial infection. In such cases, antibiotics and a procedure called "incision and drainage" may be needed to clear the infection. Sometimes, the lump might be a benign growth resulting from congenital issues or rare conditions, such as ectopic breast tissue, where tissue normally found in another area is present in the perineum. If the lump is not causing symptoms, doctors might simply keep an eye on it with regular follow-ups. However, if it causes pain, grows larger, or raises concerns about its nature, surgical removal may be recommended. Evaluation typically starts with a physical exam, and further tests like imaging or a biopsy might be performed to determine the exact cause. Always consult a healthcare provider to get a proper diagnosis and the treatment that is most appropriate for your condition.


  • Shaul DB, Monforte HL, Levitt MA, Hong AR, Peña A. Surgical management of perineal masses in patients with anorectal malformations. J Pediatr Surg. 2005 Jan;40(1):188-91. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2004.09.027. PMID: 15868583.

  • Hanief MR, Yongue G, Leff D, Lamb BW, Karim S, Aref F, Vashisht R. A painful perineal lump: an unusual case of ectopic breast tissue. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2011 Oct;93(7):e147-8. doi: 10.1308/147870811X602186. PMID: 22004627; PMCID: PMC5827000.

  • Sigmon DF, Emmanuel B, Tuma F. Perianal Abscess. [Updated 2023 Jun 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet].

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