User Testimonials

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Female, 60s

I found Ubie very easy but thorough. In my case, a blow to my forehead, I never considered my runny nose a possible symptom of a complication, even though it does make sense.

(Aug 20, 2024)

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Female, 50s

It was so much easier than talking with a doctor. It also gives an idea of what questions will be asked if/when an appointment is made.

(Aug 20, 2024)

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Female, 40s

I found Ubie symptom checker online and went straight to it. This was my first time, and I have never used any other symptom checkers before. It was so easy, and I’m almost positive that one of the diagnoses they provided was the cause of what is ailing me. Thanks so much for this free service!

(Aug 18, 2024)

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Female, 50s

The questions were very specific, as well as the selection of answers to choose from. I am very impressed with the overall experience of using the Ubie Symptom Checker. It is very informative.

(Aug 18, 2024)

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Female, 50s

What hit the mark was the quick results, the ease of checking the results, and the amount of information provided. It made everything so easy to understand.

(Aug 17, 2024)

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Female, 40s

Very helpful and simple yet direct! I really enjoyed Ubie Health and will mention it to my friends and family! The best part is I feel more comfortable about making an appointment after considering the multiple possibilities of my issue.

(Aug 16, 2024)

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Female, 30s

I've used it before. I find it very helpful in getting information about possible related health complications or conditions. It helps me do my research, which in turn helps me advocate for myself when I see my physician.

(Aug 15, 2024)

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Female, 20s

It was very easy! I had no problem understanding the questions or listing out my symptoms. I also felt more relaxed after viewing my results because other sites usually pop up with the worst results possible.

(Aug 14, 2024)

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Male, 20s

Actually, this was pretty detailed and made me feel like everything was covered, from my symptoms to the diagnosis, which has been very accurate. I look forward to making this site my go-to for finding out what's wrong and putting the hypochondriac in me at ease.

(Aug 12, 2024)

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Female, 40s

The Ubie symptom checker hit the mark with me. It asked all the right questions (ones I hadn't even considered) and came back with several reasons for my symptoms along with suggestions to address these, including advice to see a doctor. I could not ask for more. I have sat in waiting rooms for hours to get less information for money! So yes, thank you, Ubie!!!

(Aug 9, 2024)

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Female, 20s

My experience using the Ubie symptom checker was very informative. I was able to see my full symptom summary for free, which is very helpful and thoughtful of the creators. There's nothing bad I can say; the only suggestion I would have is to allow users to select multiple symptoms in the list instead of having to do it one by one. It still doesn't change how much I like it, and I will definitely be recommending this app to friends and family, as well as on my social media because everyone should know about this amazing app.

(Aug 7, 2024)

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Female, 50s

I gave my answers, and it was very helpful. It provided me with more insight than I was able to get from a hospital. Thank you!

(Aug 5, 2024)

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Female, 20s

It gave me way more possibilities than Google and showed all the correlating symptoms to each possibility. It gave a better overall view of what I’m experiencing without the hassle of looking up each possibility and understanding my symptoms.

(Aug 4, 2024)

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Female, 20s

I feel like it could be life-altering to finally have an idea of what might be going on with me. It has prompted me to schedule an appointment with my primary care doctor.

(Aug 3, 2024)

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Female, 40s

So fast and easy, and it kind of made me feel a little relaxed. I'm always thinking the worst! But hey, if I can feel a little better about myself before I see the doctor, that’s great.

(Aug 2, 2024)

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Female, 20s

It was helpful. I liked that it asks about specific symptoms in a checklist style. Being chronically ill, I often forget what is normal and what’s not. I appreciate the symptom summary as well, as it's difficult to write up a list of problems while being sick.

(Aug 2, 2024)

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Female, 50s

I thought it was very thorough, and it only took a minute or two to go through the process. I definitely recommend to anyone who needs a quick and reliable service to help with their health issues.

(Aug 1, 2024)

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Female, 40s

Moderately thorough questions and some specific possible diagnoses based on symptoms reported. It was just enough info requested from me and provided by you.

(Jul 29, 2024)

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Female, 20s

It’s very well laid out, easy to understand/read, fast results, no ads, trustworthy possible diagnoses, thorough questions about your symptoms, and plenty of diagnosis options. Nothing bad to say about it.

(Jul 29, 2024)

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Male, 40s

I have had a good experience with the Ubie Symptoms Checker so far. The layout is nice, and it’s fairly user-friendly. I like that the questions are all based on my answers, and it feels more interactive. This is very convenient since it’s online. I also like that it lets me know how severe or not severe my condition is and the best course of action in just 5 minutes.

(Jul 29, 2024)