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Try one of these related symptoms.
Gross hematuria
Abdominal pain
Cloudy urine
Frequent urination
Lower abdominal pain
Foamy urine
Blood clots in urine
Burning sensation when urinating
Bleeding from the urethra
Red brown urine
Pee mixed with blood
Bloody urine (hematuria) describes frank blood or visible blood in the urine. The urine may appear bright red or brownish.
Seek professional care if you experience any of the following symptoms
Generally, Blood in urine can be related to:
A rare genetic disorder characterized by progressive kidney disease and abnormalities of the inner ear and the eye. It usually presents as blood in the urine, high blood pressure and swelling (edema).
Cancer of the walls of the urinary system. Risk factors include smoking, age, and exposure to certain chemicals. in addition people over 55, people who have been treated for cancer in the past with certain chemotherapies or radiation to the area are also at higher risk. Symptoms depends on location of the tumor but blood in the urine -- whether seen by the naked eye or seen under the microscope -- is the most common symptom. Painful or frequent urination or flank pain can also be warning signs.
Renal cell carcinoma is another name for kidney cancer, a cancer that originates in the kidneys. The exact cause is unknown, but smoking and certain kidney diseases and hereditary syndromes are risk factors. Many times there are no symptoms and the tumor is found on a x-ray test performed for another reason. Sometimes patients have blood in the urine or back or side pain.
Sometimes, Blood in urine may be related to these serious diseases:
A type of kidney inflammation that causes an abnormal loss of blood or protein in the urine. It can be caused by infection (bacterial or viral) or other illnesses like lupus, Goodpasture's syndrome, Wegener's disease, and polyarteritis nodosa.
Your doctor may ask these questions to check for this symptom:
Reviewed By:
Kenji Taylor, MD, MSc (Family Medicine, Primary Care)
Dr. Taylor is a Japanese-African American physician who grew up and was educated in the United States but spent a considerable amount of time in Japan as a college student, working professional and now father of three. After graduating from Brown, he worked in finance first before attending medical school at Penn. He then completed a fellowship with the Centers for Disease Control before going on to specialize in Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) where he was also a chief resident. After a faculty position at Stanford, he moved with his family to Japan where he continues to see families on a military base outside of Tokyo, teach Japanese residents and serve remotely as a medical director for Roots Community Health Center. He also enjoys editing and writing podcast summaries for Hippo Education.
Nao Saito, MD (Urology)
After graduating from Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine, Dr. Saito worked at Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, Toda Chuo General Hospital, Tokyo Women's Medical University Yachiyo Medical Center, and Ako Chuo Hospital before becoming Deputy Director (current position) at Takasaki Tower Clinic Department of Ophthalmology and Urology in April 2020.
Content updated on Feb 7, 2025
Following the Medical Content Editorial Policy
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Which is the best Symptom Checker?
Ubie’s symptom checker demonstrated a Top-10 hit accuracy of 71.6%, surpassing the performance of several leading symptom checkers in the market, which averaged around 60% accuracy in similar assessments.
Link to full study:
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.08.29.24312810v1Saleem MO, Hamawy K. Hematuria. 2022 Aug 8. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30480952.