Ophthalmology Symptoms And Diseases

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Acute Glaucoma AttackAge-Related Macular DegenerationBlind at nightBlind spots in visionBlood vessels broken in eyesBloodshot eyesBranch Retinal Vein OcclusionBulging eyesCataractsCentral Retinal Artery OcclusionCentral Retinal Vein OcclusionCorneal InjuryDiabetic RetinopathyDisorders of eye movementDistorted visionDry eyeEndophthalmitisEye boogerEye floatersEye injuriesEye painEye rednessEyes are itchingForeign body in the eyeHard to focus my visionIntraocular Foreign BodyInvoluntary eye movementLight sensitivityMacular EdemaOne eye wateringOptic Neuritis (Optic Neuromyelitis, Ischemic Optic Neuropathy)Poor visionPupils different sizesRed sore itchy eyesRetinal DetachmentSeeing flashes of lightSevere MyopiaSwollen eyeTired eyesVogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease