Symptoms of Limbs / Feet / Hands / Toes / Fingers

You can start symptom checker by selecting the symptom that is currently worrying you

Achilles tendon painAnkle painArm crampsArm is swollenArm numbnessArm painArm paralysisArmpit painBow legsCalf cramp (Charley Horse)Calf painCan't bend the kneeCrackling in jointsElbow painFine tremors in handsFinger joint painFinger numbnessFingers turn blueHand crampsHand or finger painHand stiffnessHands and feet are coldHands and feet became largerHeel painHot feet and handsHot swollen red jointsInvoluntary movements of the legsInvoluntary muscle jerksJoint bleedingJoint painJoint stiffnessJoint that does not moveKnee painLeg or foot numbnessLimb painLimb spasmsLimb weaknessMorning stiffness in jointsMuscle painMuscle rigidityMuscle tenderness in limbsPain in back of handPain in top of footPain on side of anklePain over the soles of feetPainful wristPalm hurtsRaynaud's phenomenonRestless leg syndromeShin splintsSwollen toeThigh painToe numbness or tinglingToe painVaricose veinsWarm joints