Symptoms of Abdomen / Groin / Stool

You can start symptom checker by selecting the symptom that is currently worrying you

Abdominal painAbdominal traumaAnal itchBlack or tarry stoolBloated stomachBlood in stoolChange in stool colorChange in stool consistencyChange in stool smellConstant hiccupsConstipationDecreased fetal movementsDiarrheaDischarge from the anusEarly satietyEpsiodes of labor-like painExcess abdominal fluidExcessive burpingExcessive gasFecal incontinenceGreen stoolGroin area rednessGroin painGroin swelling when standing upGroin tendernessIncomplete bowel evacuationIncreasing contractions in pregnancyLump in abdomenLump in the groinNarrow or thinning stoolNausea or vomitingOvereatingPain from belly button to groinPulsating mass in stomachRectal bleedingStomach discomfortStomach growlingSwelling under the right lower ribsSwelling under the right ribsSwollen blood vessels on the bellyThrowing up bloodUpper left side of stomach swollenWhite, pellet-like stools