Urology Symptoms And Diseases

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Acute ProstatitisBalanoposthitisBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaBladder Cancer / Ureteric Cancer / Renal Pelvis CancerBladder TumorBladder painBlood in the semenBlood in urineChronic PyelonephritisChyluriaCloudy urineDark yellow urineDifficulty urinatingDrug-Induced Urinary RetentionEpididymitisErectile DysfunctionFoamy urineFrequent urinationFrequent urination at nightHematospermiaHydroceleImpotenceIntermittent urine flowInterstitial CystitisItchy penisItchy scrotumItchy urethraLess urine with painLow Testosterone / Late Onset HypogonadismLow urine outputLump on the penisMale InfertilityMilky-white urineNephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones)Neurogenic BladderOveractive BladderPain at the start of urinationPain between scrotum and anusPain in the penisPainful urinationPee smells funnyPenile swellingProstate CancerPus in urethraRedness or swelling of the urethraSexual TraumaSmall stone came out when passing urineSmall testesSwollen testiclesTesticular TorsionTesticular TumorTesticular painUrethral StrictureUrethritisUrgent urinationUrinary RetentionUrinary retentionUrine incontinenceVaricoceleVisibly enlarged blood vessels on the scrotumWeak urine stream