Unnati Patel, MD, MSc

Primary Care Physician and Medical Director, Oak Street Health

Family Medicine



Unnati Patel, MD, MSc

Dr.Patel serves as Center Medical Director and a Primary Care Physician at Oak Street Health in Arizona. She graduated from the Zhejiang University School of Medicine prior to working in clinical research focused on preventive medicine at the University of Illinois and the University of Nevada. Dr. Patel earned her MSc in Global Health from Georgetown University, during which she worked with the WHO in Sierra Leone and Save the Children in Washington, D.C. She went on to complete her Family Medicine residency in Chicago at Norwegian American Hospital before completing a fellowship in Leadership in Value-based Care in conjunction with the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management, where she earned her MBA. Dr. Patel’s interests include health tech and teaching medical students and she currently serves as Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Arizona School of Medicine.


Board Certified in Family Medicine (2020 - Present)

ECFMG Certification

State of Arizona

State of Illinois

Qualification and Affiliations

  • AAFP (American Association of Family Physicians)

  • ISMS (Illinois State Medical Society)

  • IAFP (Illinois Association of Family Physicians)

  • AZAFP (Arizona Academy of Family Physicians)

  • AMA (American Medical Association)

Reviewed Diseases

Further Details

Ubie's medical content is composed by over 50 supervising doctors, each holding a specialist qualification in their respective medical field.

Supervising Doctors

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The Ubie AI Symptom Checker is a service intended for the provision of information and does not constitute medical practice by physicians or healthcare professionals. If medical consultation is needed, please consult a doctor or medical institution. While our service strives to ensure reliability and accurate information dissemination, we do not guarantee the content's completeness. If you find any errors in the information, please contact us using the information below.

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